Sunday, November 11, 2007

Detailed Outline: Government Relations


Every day the DC seat of the federal gov. is a PR free-for-all, with 435 congressmen, 100senators, etc
The White House created a permanent Office of Global Com.
The Bush cabinet: press conferences to keep the country apprised of developments in their spheres
the position of undersecreatry of Public iplomacy created after the September attacks
I) Public Reations in Gov:

PR in gov has increased
American businesses lobby gov. Political interest group contribute more to pol coffers than before
no gov worker today can work in PR, but only in public affairs
II) Government Practitioners:

=> Two Prominent Departments:

The STate Department
Has an extensive public affairs staff, responsible for press briefings, maintaining secretary of state homepage content, operating foreign press centers in Washington, L.A, and maintaining Public Diplomacy
United States Information AGency (USIA); federal gov. PR arms==> build institutional foundations of democracy around the world, support war on drugs, env challenges, free and open com.
Its com. Initiatives:

-film and TV





-Libraries and books


2. THe Defense Department (DOD)

public affairs department headed by an assistant secretary of defense

3. Other Government Agencies

ex: department of Health and Human services have PR practiciones
Dep. Of Agr, State and Treasury
CIA: 3 spokespersons
III) The President

Today, he wields unprecedented PC clout? he travels with his own media entourage, controls the 'bully pulpit' and with it a large part of the nation's agenda
Mr Reagan and his com advisers follower 7 principles to manage the news:
Plan ahead
Stay on the offensive
Control the flow of info
limit reporter's access to the president
talk about the issues you want to talk about
speak in one voice
repeat the same Msg many times
IV) The President's Press Secretary:

second most difficult position in any administration: chief PR spokesperson in administration
V) Lobbying the Government:

The bus. community, foundations and philanthropic org. have a common prob: dealing with gov
occoputaion of lobbyist has grown due to:

Rapid growth in gov
Republican control of both White House and Congress
Wide acceptance among corporations that they need to hire professional lobbyists to secure their share of the federal budget

The representatives have diff role:
Com with gov personel and agencies
encourage participation at all levels of gov
influence legislation affecting economy
++What do Lobbyists do?

Interpretation of gov actions
Interpretation of company actions
Advocacy of a position
Publicity springboard
Support of COmpany sales
++ Do it yourself Lobbying:

Know the subject and status of legislation
Know the position of the legislator and the staff
Represent a key constituency
Be available and eager to please
Have influential backup at the ready
Keep your word
know how the system functions
===> Emergence of e-lobbying

role of the web in pol campaigns
V) Political Action Committes:

(PACs): representing labor unions, bus. groups, corporations, Non profit organization, etc

VI) Dealing with loval Gov:

Reagon called for a shift of political debate and public policy decisions to state and local levels